The In-Between Moments of College
Sara Burden White PC’20 shares her experience of the past 4 years of college and her favorite memories!

Knowing Your Worth
It’s important to remember your worth and focus on your relationship with Christ, Katie Randall PC ‘23 dives deeper to discuss just what that means!
Favorite Vacation
Uprising Senior, Victoria Klauser, shares details about her favorite vacation she has taken with her Chi O sisters!

10 Things I Wish I Knew as a College Freshman
Avery Vandermeeden PC ‘22 discusses the Top 10 Things She Wish She Knew Going into Freshman Year!

What People Don’t Tell You About Being a Freshman
Molly Carter writes her experience with Freshman Year, and how to be excited for the change!

What Makes a Sorority House a Home?
Campbell Thomas expresses why the Chi O house has been like a home away from home!

5 Things Chi Omega Wants You to Know Before Recruitment
Mississippi State University is just a short couple weeks away from Fall Panhellenic Recruitment Week. The 2022 Chi Omega Recruitment Chair Maggie McKinnis shares the top 5 things she wants girls to know before recruitment.

Recruitment Week Outfit Tips + Tricks
Member of PC ‘19 Sara Murphy gives readers her top tips to surviving the HOT Mississippi State Fall Recruitment and looking fashionable while doing it!
Phi Delta Book Club Summer Reads
The Mississippi muggy weather has arrived, which only means one thing: we have officially hit summer! Since many are doing some summer reading this season, the Phi Delta Book Club has put together (in no particular order) their Top 22 Reads for Summer 2022, and Marketing Chair Allie Grace Bell shares them.

The Boys’ Club
Madison Plummer from PC ‘21 works for the equipment team for the Mississippi State Football team. She shares her passion for women in male-dominated fields and details her experiences on the job. Read more about this #GIRL #BOSS!

Mental Health Matters
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and the Phi Delta chapter of Chi Omega wants readers to know that mental health matters the most to us. Career and Personal Development Chair Mary Marshall Waller from PC '20 shares a few ways to take care of yourself and your personal mental health.

Finals Encouragement
Anna-Scott Parker, PC ‘20, shares a few pieces of wisdom that she clings to during this stressful season. Keep reading to see what gets Anna-Scott through finals!

From a Thankful Gamma Chi
Lauren Nichols, PC ‘19, writes about her Gamma Chi experience and why she would do it all over again. Keep reading to see what being a Panhellenic woman means to her!

Why I Went Chi O
Greta Allen, PC ‘21, shares what drew her to Chi O during recruitment. Read along to see why Greta still chooses Chi O beyond the glamour of bid day!

Letter to a Freshman
Laken Laird, PC ‘18, writes to incoming freshman about what she has learned about intentionality in college. Keep reading to see what Laken has held near and dear to her heart throughout her time at MSU!

Gameday in the Life
Gabbi Ferreri, PC ‘19, details step-by-step what a game day looks like in Starkville. Read along to see the busyness and fun that comes with Saturdays in Starkville!

Mental Health Awareness
Anna Claire Hurley, PC ‘20, shares her take on what it looks like to consider mental health awareness as you enter college. Read along to learn about a few tips that helped Anna Claire while she stepped into this new season of life!
Pursuing Academic Excellence
Molly Carter Morgan, PC’20, shares what inspires her to pursue excellency in not only her academic endeavors, but her life as well. She lists a few tips that have helped her along the way. Keep reading to discern what it takes to pursue excellency in the classroom!

The Why Behind Wish Week
Maggie Cayson, PC ‘18, our philanthropy chair tells us about Wish Week in its entirety! Having a hand in serving this chapter has been her greatest delight. Read along to see a little bit about what service and Wish Week means to her!