Letter to a Freshman

Dear freshman,

Congratulations on being an official college girl! You are in for a super sweet year! I remember my freshman year of college like it was just yesterday. The excitement that came from running home to my best friend on bid day, the joy that filled my heart when I got my big sister, and the pride that came from being an initiated member of Chi Omega, are just a few of the many memories I will cherish forever. There is truly nothing like your freshman year of college. When I became a new member in the fall of 2018, I remember feeling so loved by the women in this chapter, especially the seniors. Many took me in and helped me navigate my way through my first year of college, and for that I am so grateful. Now, I find myself in their shoes and will hopefully be able to provide some advice that can help you as you go through your freshman year of college at MSU. There are so many things I could tell you. Don’t register for that class without talking to your Chi Omega sisters first. Leave your dorm room door open, so the girls on your hall can stop by for a visit. Eat a cookie from the Perry every now and then. Shop online at Revolve for last minute dress dilemmas. Make sure to go to the house for lunch and dinner to meet new girls in your chapter. I could go on and on. However, out of all the advice I have received along with my personal experience, I believe it can all be summed up into these few words: Be intentional with how you live your life throughout these next four years.

Here are a few examples of what I mean by that:

Be intentional with your time. We are only given a small amount of time to spend in college, and trust me, the years will fly by faster than you think. So, make the most of them. Start by prioritizing the things you value most in life. For me, my priorities are faith, family, friends, and school. I make sure to give the majority of my time and attention to those things because they are what’s important to me. Another way you could do this is by asking yourself where you want to be four years from now. If the things you are doing don’t help you become that girl, then readjust and keep reminding yourself of your goals.

Be intentional with your friendships. The friendships you form in college are so special. Choose your friends wisely because they will have a major impact on your college experience and on the rest of your life. Choose friends who will love you exactly the way you are, and then love them in return. Those friends will be the ones who encourage you during the hard times and cheer you on during the great times. I have made so many lifelong friendships because of the girls I met in Chi Omega, and each one has truly changed me for good. If you don’t have those friends yet, pray for God to bring them to you or for Him to give you the courage to go out and find them. Trust me, He will.

Be intentional with your studies. You are in college to get an education after all. First, make sure you choose to major in a field you are passionate about. This is a game changer! I started college undeclared. Through trial and error, I eventually found the right major for me and never looked back. I truly love the classes I am in as well as the work I get to do in them, and my grades reflect that. If you are unsure about what major is right for you, take different classes to get a better understanding of what each one is like. While school is important, I also want to remind you that one bad grade won’t ruin your college career. So don’t worry, and do better on the next one. Invest in a good planner to make sure you keep up with all of your assignments and turn them in on time. Lastly, go to class and meet your professors— you will be thankful you did, especially when you have to ask them to write you a recommendation letter later on.

Be intentional with the way you treat others. Every single person you meet is seeking to be loved. Make sure to be the person who makes others feel special. Kindness goes a long way, and you just might be surprised at the friendships you form by simply saying “Hello” with a smile on your face. 

Be intentional with yourself. It’s hard to live an intentional life when you’re pouring from an empty glass. Don’t forget to take care of yourself mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. One of the best things I have ever done for my overall well-being was starting a journal. Journaling helped grow my relationship with The Lord tremendously, and I noticed a difference in my mental and physical well-being too. If that’s not for you, find something that is. Whether it’s taking a workout class at the Sanderson with friends or going to the refuge to read a book surrounded by nature, find what works for you and do those things.

I hope you are able to take something mentioned above to help you throughout your time at MSU. Buckle up! These next four years are going to be some of the best of your life! Count it all joy. Take it all in. Soak it all up. These years will fly by, and soon you will find yourself in my shoes looking back and wondering where the time went. Just know that whatever these next four years hold for you, you will always have someone in Chi Omega to uplift and encourage you no matter what. Being a Chi Omega has been the greatest blessing of my college career, and I don’t know where I would be without her. Praying for you and can’t wait to see all of the wonderful things you will accomplish!


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