10 Things Freshman Year Taught Me

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Looking back and reflecting on my freshman year, I immediately realized that this year I have grown and changed as a person more than any year before. My freshman year was a COVID year, yet I still feel like I experienced everything I was supposed to. I can honestly say it was one of the best years of my life. While reflecting on the blessing this year has been, I thought of some important lessons I learned along the way.

1.     Don’t force friendships. 

Coming to college, it is natural to immediately want to make the best friends that everyone talks about making. You want to find out who your bridesmaids will be the first day you step foot on campus. Well, as cliché as it sounds, every good thing takes time. While you should totally reach out to people and make friends, I learned that it is impossible to force a friendship. Your people will find you and you will find your people, just in your own time. Don’t try to create the perfect friend group. Enjoy your time meeting new people, and you will attract the friendships that are perfect for you! By learning this, I have surrounded myself with the greatest girls & the friendships I never knew I needed.

2.     Taking an 8 or 9 am won’t kill you.

When I first registered for classes last June, I almost had a heart attack looking at the computer screen when I saw that all of my classes would begin between 8-9! I thought college was supposed to be the time where I could sleep late, go to one or two afternoon classes and be done, but boy, did I have some learning to do. I had to remind myself that all throughout high school, and before, I was starting school at 7:45 AM. After about a week or two of first semester, I was used to starting my days early and actually grew to like it. My school days were over by lunchtime and I had the rest of the day to do homework or see friends. I felt productive and liked getting such a head start on my day by having morning classes. The early classes might not be for everyone, but I learned that taking a few doesn’t kill you, and it is not as horrible as it sounds!

3.     Prioritize you.

When in college, you are constantly surrounded by community and while that is the best feeling ever, sometimes it can be emotionally draining. Sometimes you just want to be alone and that is MORE THAN OKAY. I learned how important prioritizing myself and my needs was this year. Whether that meant allowing myself the 30 minute power nap in order to be productive, or rewarding myself with a mani-pedi, I learned that it is so important to take care of ME.

4.     It is okay to rest. 

            When I got to college, I was going nonstop, always doing something! I went from class, to homework, to hanging out with friends, etc. It was so fun, but eventually I hit a wall of exhaustion. I had to remind myself that it is totally okay, and actually GOOD for me to let myself rest. I learned that sometimes I had to say no to something in order to give myself some time to regroup and focus. I learned that my body needs and loves to rest after seasons of busyness! 

5.     Get Involved.  

            I seriously cannot stress this one enough! The number of blessings and friendships I gained through being involved my freshman year still blows my mind. There are so many different things to get involved in, and it is so fun to find something you’re interested in and create relationships and friendships with people that have those same interests! It can seem intimidating and scary to go through applications and interviews, but in the end it is more than worth it. Getting involved made my freshman year unforgettable!

6.     Taking Walks is Underrated 

            Before I got to college and throughout quarantine, my dad and I took walks around my neighborhood. At the time, I had no idea the importance that taking walks would have in my freshman year! Whenever I had a stressful day or week, whenever I needed a mental break, or even just to hangout with friends, we would walk laps around the Sanderson lake, through campus, or even to the Cotton District and back! Taking walks and chatting with friends is one of my favorite things to do now. When I am spending time by myself, I love to turn on a good playlist or podcast and get to walking! I learned that a lot of time those walks can fix anything that is wrong.

7.     Calling Your Family Is COOL! 

            It took me a little bit to realize what a change me moving to college was for my family. The entire family dynamic changed, and it felt weird to not be with them all of the time. Something I learned is that making time to call your family is so important for you and for them! I made time to call my dad on the way to class every Tuesday and Thursday morning, and my mom and I communicated throughout the entire week. Your family will appreciate you calling them, and I learned that I needed it too! 

8.     Time Goes By So Quickly At College.

            This one right here is so true! I remember during first semester as I was planning out my week, I came to the realization that I was halfway through the semester! Time in college truly feels like it moves so quickly. So I encourage you to say yes to the midnight sonic runs, trips to the refuge, breakfast dates, and all the other spontaneous memories because before you know it, the semester is almost over and you will be wanting to start it all over again! 

9.     Studying In Bed is Not For Me. 

            Being a part of Chi Omega, I had to complete 4 logged study hours weekly. Because of this, I very quickly learned that I was not my most productive self when I was studying in my bed or even my dorm room. I loved to go study at the coffee shop, Strange Brew, Old Main, the study room in my dorm, and my absolute favorite, the activity room in the Chi Omega house. Going somewhere different to study made it seem more fun to me and motivated me to finish my task before going home to my dorm room. 

10.   It is Okay To Have Bad Days 

            This is probably the most important thing I learned my freshman year. To be very honest, it can be hard to see pictures on Instagram of girls with their new college best friends when you feel like you haven’t met yours yet. I think a lot of people, myself included, come into college under the impression that is like a movie: always sunshine and rainbows, and while I can attest that most of the time college is amazing and the most fun I have ever had, sometimes it is extremely exhausting, stressful, and just plain hard. I had to learn that everyone is feeling these things and that everyone has bad days, even the people posting happy photos on Instagram. 

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